Magical Life Of Fruit was founded and created by Katherine Kyle after she had a complete health transformation and dropped 5 dress sizes after starting a vegan diet. A few years after going vegan, Katherine was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, so all of her recipes are vegan and gluten-free.
All of the complete meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) on Magial Life Of Fruit are around 400 calories because it makes weight loss so much easier.
I share all of my recipes on my blog and also on my YouTube channel.
To follow my plant-based weight loss system, just eat 3 of these 400 calorie meals per day. Find out how many calories you need to eat for weight loss, and then add extra snacks to bump your calories up to your daily calorie limit.
Katherine Kyle Bsc, PGCE, Certified Vegan Nutritionist
I share all of the recipes on my blog that have helped me drop 56 pounds in the hope that other people can receive the same benefit that I've done from a nutritious, and delicious plant-based and gluten-free diet.
Being vegan and gluten-free is actually pretty easy when you prepare all of your own foods. It's eating out that is the challenge, but I tend to take some of my own food with me a lot of the time as this makes life a lot easier.
Needless to say, I make a lot of my own food from scratch, especially as both of my kids have the same allergies to dairy and gluten that I do, plus they are very fussy. So I end up making a lot of different recipes to try and find something they will eat.
After all this recipe testing, I've come up with some clear winners that my family love, and these are the recipes that I share on this blog in the hope it will save you time and money too.
The recipes I create all use standard, cheap ingredients and I find that when I make meals from scratch, the cost of my meals is very very low.